Tune Up
West Michigan Symphony Tune Up is an after-school string program taking place in Muskegon Public Elementary Schools and Muskegon Middle School.
We have just completed Tune Up for the 2023-2024 season. We look forward to year 3 for 24-25.
Tune Up begins registration in September 2024 for Year 3 and begins weekly classes in October.
In partnership with the 21st Century CCLC Impact after school program, enrolled students receive free string instruments and instructional time during the Impact Program after school hours at their school.
Tune Up registration and enrollment take place at Marquette, Oakview and Bunker Elementary Schools and Muskegon Middle School in September 2024.
Contact the Impact Site Coordinator at your school or the West Michigan Symphony (231) 726-3231 ext. 231 for more information.
Program Mission
WMS Tune Up will provide access to high-quality music instruction to children with the fewest resources and greatest need in Muskegon, helping to develop well-rounded students through the study of instrumental music and academic support in an after-school program.
In partnership with Muskegon Public School 21st CLCC Impact Program, students will receive free string instruments, free music instruction, exciting concert experiences, and opportunities to meet professional musicians and artists.
- For Muskegon Public School Impact enrolled students during 2024-2025
- String instrument provided by Tune Up Program
- Music instruction classes 2x a week
- Work with an experienced string teacher
- Meet professional musicians and artists as a member of the program
- Exciting performance opportunities throughout the school year
September 2024
Lauren Garza, Tune Up Program Manager, Lead Teaching Artist: lgarza@westmichigansymphony.org


Bernard & Cathleen Berntson
Jon & Jane Blyth
Orville Crain & Susan Cloutier Crain
Mary Danigelis
Harbor Steel Supply Corp
Hines Corporation
Dick & Lynn Kamps
Robert & Wendy Kersman
Patrick & Karen O’Leary
Jack & Becky Slimko
Stephen & Susan Struck