Carlos Lozano - Viola

Born in Veracruz, Mexico, Carlos Lozano started violin lessons at a young age. He studied under Iliana Stefanova and Nataliya Semanivska in Mexico, before attending Andrews University in Michigan, where he studied under Carla Trynchuk, completing a B.M. in Violin Performance. While in college, he started viola lessons with Claudio Gonzalez.

Having found his love for the viola, Carlos went on to Western Michigan University, where he completed a Masters in Viola Performance, studying under Igor Fedotov. He is currently completing a Masters in Orchestral Studies at Roosevelt University’s Chicago College of Performing Arts, where he splits his orchestral repertoire under Larry Neuman and Li-Kuo Chang, and his solo repertoire under Igor Fedotov and Roger Chase.

Following his orchestral playing dreams, Carlos has had the opportunity to play as a substitute with orchestras like the Kalamazoo Symphony Orchestra, Charlotte Symphony Orchestra, Jacksonville Symphony and Fort Worth Symphony Orchestra, and has performed with the Artosphere Festival Orchestra. Carlos is a Member of the Civic Orchestra of Chicago, the Southwest Michigan Symphony Orchestra, and most recently the West Michigan Symphony.

In his free time, Carlos likes to play outdoor sports such as soccer, volleyball and biking, and loves going to the beach during summer.

Michigan Arts & Culture Council
National Endowment for the Arts