Lisa Honeycutt - Horn
Lisa Honeycutt continues as Third Horn with the West Michigan Symphony. Past-present engagements include working with the Grand Rapids Symphony, Kalamazoo, Ann Arbor, Memphis, Sarasota and Southwest Florida Symphonies, The Florida Orchestra, and the Cincinnati Pops. She is a member of the Baroque on Beaver Island Music Festival and is grateful to perform once again, with the Leland Chamber Consort. Lisa continues to travel throughout the United States, freelancing with many accomplished artists and ensembles.
A native Mississippian, Lisa began her Horn study along the Florida Space Coast. For a time, she was employed by NASA, but went on to pursue a career in music. After a three-year tenure in Chicago (Northwestern University), Lisa relocated, making Midwest Michigan her home. As she continues working as a Professional Musician and Educator, Ms. Honeycutt also works diligently, advocating for children through Fine Arts.
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